I will answer your points in turn:

sexydoctor: "And i find your arguement amusing when you say why shud ABC and other American networks support American terrorists..."

Serendipity: I wasn't saying that ABC and other American networks should support American terrorists. Nowhere did I refer to the likes of Ann Coulter as "terrorists". Yes, I believe her and her ilk have extreme views, but holding an extreme view does not make a person a terrorist.

Broadcasting differing views with the intention of airing all sides of a debate is not the same as 'supporting' them. In the case of Al Jazeera, they also air interviews with Israeli officials, and also the views of Islamic extremists; this does not mean that they support those views, simply that they are providing a channel of communication (and also through questioning, asking interview subjects to support their own views).

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sexydoctor: "Firstly Im not American so if you are trying to discuss about whos morally right, you are talking to the wrong guy...."

Serendipity: I did not assume you to be American, nor did I refer to you as an American. You have made some comments about Al Jazeera being controversial. In response to that, I made a general comparison with other broadcast media from other countries. I was comparing the output of Al Jazeera with the output of other international broadcasters, including British and American broadcasters; I don't see how my comments comparing the respective editorial policies of other broadcasters bears any reflection on your own personal nationality, with regard to which I made no comment.

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sexydoctor: "Secondly terrorism anywhere is reprehensible and shud be condemned... whether its arab or american in origin...."

Serendipity: I totally agree with you. Nowhere in my responses to you did I condone, or even appear to condone terrorism, at all. I am confused as to why you are making this point to me (as if I hold an opposite view to you) when I am, in fact, in agreement with your sentiments.

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sexydoctor: "Thirdly even the American networks dint become so starved like Al Jazeera which made it a regular feature to telecast beheadings and torture of people on tv...."

Serendipity: Again, you are disseminating misinformation about Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera, I understand, has NEVER broadcast a beheading. Please check your sources. If you can confirm to me that Al Jazeera (Arabic or English) HAS broadcast a beheading, then I will be very happy to stand corrected. Alternatively, if you are unable to confirm your allegations, would you kindly please desist from repeating them? Thank you.

It's my understanding that Al Jazeera has broadcast some footage that some viewers may have found disturbing, such as captive hostages pleading for their lives. But Al Jazeera was not alone in broadcasting that footage. I am currently based in the UK and such footage was widely broadcast by British media. In that respect, Al Jazeera did not (to my knowledge) broadcast any footage that was not aired by other international broadcasters.

Al Jazeera has broadcast some footage of US and UK troops that some viewers, particularly those in the UK and US, may have found disturbing. It's my understanding that objections have been raised by those governments in respect of such footage. However, UK and US broadcasters have shown footage of injured and killed Iraqis, so there appears to be a problem with double standards.

If footage of injured and dead people is disturbing, then it should be disturbing and objectionable whether the dead and injured are UK/US military or Iraqi (military/militia/civilian).

In my opinion, it is hypocritical of people to object to the sight of injured/killed US/UK troops when they don't even raise an eyebrow regarding the sight of Iraqi casualties on their TV screens.

Personally speaking, I do find such images gruesome and disturbing. But I do think that they are essential in reporting the reality of war/conflict. If people only see a sanitised version of events, then how is democracy supposed to work in supposedly democratic countries? If the people who voted for Blair and Bush are shielded from the consequences of the decisions of politicians, how can they be educated and informed about the consequences following their own exercise of their democratic right to vote?

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sexydoctor: "I dont understand the logic in seeing beheadings of hostages on TV when a guy lies on the floor begging for mercy when some masked men shout Allah O Akbar........"

Serendipity: Again, you are spreading disinformation; beheadings have NEVER been broadcast by Al Jazeera.

Yes, some disturbing footage has been broadcast of people begging for mercy, but again, that footage has been broadcast by other international broadcasters.

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sexydoctor: "This only projects Islam in bad light and Im sure this isnt written in the holybook for Islamists....."

Serendipity: I agree with you that such actions (by those involved in the hostage taking and executions) present Islam in a very poor light. As to what is or isn't supported by the Qu'ran, there are different interpretations, and those carrying out these acts appear to believe that their acts are supported. Other muslims, I'm sure, would disagree. For those believers, they will also know that only Allah knows, and He will judge them when the time comes.

I'm assuming that you are referring to those incidents when you say they project Islam in a bad light? Or are you also referring to Al Jazeera's broadcasts? Please clarify.