Sexydoctor asks: "Why should cheap sensationalism and opinions of fundamentalists be substituted for news????"

I'm curious, why are different points of view seemingly so objectionable to you?

In the US, the likes of Ann Coulter are regularly interviewed and her opinions are widely reported. She holds some quite extreme views, yet they are presented as just another opinion. I'd argue that she isn't representative of the views of the majority of Americans.

Likewise, the opinions of some interview subjects on Al Jazeera aren't necessarily reflective of the opinions of all Arabs.

Some of the views might be extreme, yes, but why do people want to 'shoot the messenger' when the messenger is Al Jazeera?

I don't hear parallel calls questioning the credibility of US broadcasters simply for airing the views of the likes of US extremists.

Isn't one of the mottos of Al Jazeera: 'the view and the other view'.

It's possible to give a platform for people to air their views without necessarily agreeing with those views.