I agree, is there anything we can do? Like a donation Drive?

Mohammed, it's so sad how few muslims feel the way you do, and sadder still that they hide behind Islam to excuse the mistreatment of some animals. You are so correct, Islam is a nurturing and caring religion. Why is there so much complacency here with regards to animals?

It's funny, I was just watching on the TV, a guy getting arrested for mistreating goats. He faces up to ten years in prison if convicted for the death of a goat due to cruelty. And one automatically assumes... A GOAT!?? That's going to be on my dinner menu tonight?

The thing is, humanity and kindness is the obligation of anyone that decides to keep animals; whether it be for food or as a pet. There is no justification for cruelty, ever.

Just think, 800 animals owe their lives to one organisation, and many helping hands. I think people can make a difference. So come on.....let's do something to help QAWS.