We Muslims acknowledge that every true prophet of God is Holy & w/o sin. but whenever the expression "The Holy Prophet" is used among Muslims it is universally accepted as referring to the holy prophet Mohammed(pbuh). so, even if we accept the incongruous saying that the "comforter w/c is the holy spirit" as Gospel truth, even then this prophecy will fit Mohammed(pbuh) like a glove, w/o any stretching of meaning.
The same John who authored the Gospel amazingly has used the same terminology of "Holy Spirit" for "Holy Prophet" in his words:
"Beloved, believe not every SPIRIT, but try the SPIRITS whether they are of God, because many false PROPHETS are gone out into the world" John 4:1
Brod Pope, you can observe that the word spirit is used synonymously w/ a prophet. A true spirit is a true prophet, and a false spirit is a false prophet. BUT...for the so-called "BORN AGAIN" christians like you, who see only w/ eyes of emotion, then I highly recommend you to lay your hands on C.I. Scofield's Authorized King James Version of the bible who w/ an Editorial Committee of 9 D.D.'s adding ur notes and comments. and when u come to the first word "spirit"in the above verse, you should give a notation to compare it w/ Mathew 7:15, which confirms that false prophets are false spirits, so according to St. John the Holy SPIRIT is the Holy PROPHET, and the Holy Prophet is Mohammed(pbuh) the Messenger of God.
BUT...our St. john did not leave us in the air, guessing the true from the false. he gives us an acid test for recognising the true Prophet, as he says:
"Hereby know ye the SPIRIT of God: Every SPIRIT that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God" John 4:2
Meaning, according to John's own interpretation in verse-1 above the word "spirit" is synonymous w/ the word "prophet"! SO, in verse-2 above "Spirit of God" would mean Prophet of God and "Every Spirit"would stand for every Prophet! Hmmm, Brod pope you need to do more research. Anyway you have the right to know as to what the Holy prophet Mohammed says about "Jesus Christ"...well, he is spoken by name no less than 25x in the Holy Qur'an and he is honoured as:
*Jesus, the son of Mary
*The Righteous
*Word of God
*Spirit of God
*Christ of God
We Muslims acknowledge that every true prophet of God is Holy & w/o sin. but whenever the expression "The Holy Prophet" is used among Muslims it is universally accepted as referring to the holy prophet Mohammed(pbuh). so, even if we accept the incongruous saying that the "comforter w/c is the holy spirit" as Gospel truth, even then this prophecy will fit Mohammed(pbuh) like a glove, w/o any stretching of meaning.
The same John who authored the Gospel amazingly has used the same terminology of "Holy Spirit" for "Holy Prophet" in his words:
"Beloved, believe not every SPIRIT, but try the SPIRITS whether they are of God, because many false PROPHETS are gone out into the world" John 4:1
Brod Pope, you can observe that the word spirit is used synonymously w/ a prophet. A true spirit is a true prophet, and a false spirit is a false prophet. BUT...for the so-called "BORN AGAIN" christians like you, who see only w/ eyes of emotion, then I highly recommend you to lay your hands on C.I. Scofield's Authorized King James Version of the bible who w/ an Editorial Committee of 9 D.D.'s adding ur notes and comments. and when u come to the first word "spirit"in the above verse, you should give a notation to compare it w/ Mathew 7:15, which confirms that false prophets are false spirits, so according to St. John the Holy SPIRIT is the Holy PROPHET, and the Holy Prophet is Mohammed(pbuh) the Messenger of God.
BUT...our St. john did not leave us in the air, guessing the true from the false. he gives us an acid test for recognising the true Prophet, as he says:
"Hereby know ye the SPIRIT of God: Every SPIRIT that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God" John 4:2
Meaning, according to John's own interpretation in verse-1 above the word "spirit" is synonymous w/ the word "prophet"! SO, in verse-2 above "Spirit of God" would mean Prophet of God and "Every Spirit"would stand for every Prophet! Hmmm, Brod pope you need to do more research. Anyway you have the right to know as to what the Holy prophet Mohammed says about "Jesus Christ"...well, he is spoken by name no less than 25x in the Holy Qur'an and he is honoured as:
*Jesus, the son of Mary
*The Righteous
*Word of God
*Spirit of God
*Christ of God
Peace be w/ us