Is it possible that Muhammad falls into the false prophet category?
**If we look up any Bible w/c has concordance or cross-references then we will find in the marginal note where the words "the prophet" or "that prophet" occur in John 1:25 that these words refers to the prophecy of Deutoromy 18:15 & 18. And that "that prophet".."the prophet like Moses"-"LIKE UNTO THEE", we have proved through overwhelming evidence that he was MOHAMMED and NOT Jesus!
**We Muslims are not denying that Jesus was the "Messiah" w/c word is translated as "Christ", We are not contesting the "thousand and one prophecies" w/c our Christians brother like you(Red-Pope) claim abound in the Old Testament foretelling the coming of the "Messiah"...What we say is that DEUTERONOMY 18:18 does NOT refer to Jesus Christ but it is an explicit prophecy about the Holy Prophet MOHAMMED!...so, to answer ur question if it is possible that Mohammed falls into the false prophet category?...my reply is absolutely NO! you want to know why? well, lets read and analyze the following verses of prophecy in the Old Testament:
Deuteronomy 18:18
"I will raised them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee (Moses; and I will put my words in his mouth"
**If these words do not apply to Mohammed, then Red-pope you are still remained unfulfilled. Even Jesus himself never claim to be the prophet alluded to..his disciples is of the same opinion, aren't they? Also Jesus, as is believed by his church, will appear as a judge and not a "Law-giver" BUT...the promised one has to come w/ a "Fiery Law" in "his right hand"
**In ascertaining the personality of the promised prophet the other prophecy of Moses, where it speaks the shining forth of God from Paran (the Mecca mountain):
Deuteronomy 33:2 w/c run as follows
"The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth FROM MOUNT PARAN, and HE CAME WITH TEN THOUSANDS (10,000) OF SAINTS; from his right hand a FIERY LAW FOR THEM".
**In these words the Lord has been compared w/ the sun. He comes from Sinai, He rises from Seir, but He shines in his full glory from Paran, where he had to appear w/ ten thousands of saints w/ fiery law in his right hand. So, Brod Red-pope...NONE of the Israelites, (including Jesus), had anything to do with Paran! isn't it?
Another verse...
"Hagar, with her son Ishmael, wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba, who afterwards dwelt in the wilderness of Paran" (Genesis 21:21)
**Then Ishmael, married an Egyptian woman, and through his firstborn, Kedar, gave descent to the Arabs who from that time till now are the dwellers of the wilderness of Paran. Soooo clear, Brod R-pope! And if Mohammed admittedly on all hands traces his descent to Ishmael through Kedar and he appeared as a prophet in the wilderness of Paran & re-entered Mecca w/ ten thousand (10,000) saints and gave a fiery law to his people...IS NOT THE PROPHECY ABOVE-MENTIONED FULFILLED TO ITS VERY LETTER?
**Furthermore, the words of the prophecy in Habakkuk are especially noteworthy "His (the Holy one from Paran) glory covered the heavens & the earth was full of his praise". The word "Praise" is very significant, as the very name Mohammed literally means "the praised one". Besides the Arabs, the inhabitants of the wilderness of Paran had also been promised a Revelation! in these verse (Isa x1ii.II)
**In connection w/ it there are another two prophecies worthy of note where references have been made to Kedar. the one runs in
Isaiah chapter 1x:I-7
"...All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up w/ acceptance on mine altar, and i will glorify the house of my glory"
Another prophecy: Isaiah 21: 13-17
"The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim. The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented w/ their bread HIM THAT FLED. For they fled from the swords...and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war. For thus hath the Lord said unto me, within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail: And the resdue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished"
**So, Brod pope are not those prophecies above clearly refers to Mohammed?
**If Ishmael inhabited the wilderness of Paran, where he gave birth to Kedar, who is the ancestor of the Arabs; and if the sons of Kedar had to receive revelation from God in
(verse Isa.x1ii.II); If the flocks of Kedar had to come up w/ acceptance to a Divine altar to glorify "the house of my glory" where the darkness had to cover the earth for some centuries, and then that very land had to receive light from God; and if all the glory of Kedar had to fail & the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, had to diminish w/in a yr after the one fled from the swords & from the bent bows---the Holy One from Paran(Hab. 3:3) is no one else than MOHAMMED(pbuh)
**Mohammed is the holy offspring of Ishmael through Kedar, who settled in the wilderness of Paran. Mohammed is the only Prophet through whom the Arabs received revelation at the time when the darkness had covered the earth. Through him God shone from Paran, and Mecca is the only place where the house of God is glorified and the flocks of Kedar come up w/ acceptance on its altar. Mohammed was presecuted by his people and had to leave Mecca. He was thirsty and fled from the drawn sword and the bent bow, and w/ in a yr after his flight the descendants of Kedar meet him at Badr (the place of the first battle between the Meccans and the Prophet), the children of Kedar and their number of archers diminish and all the glory of Kedar fails. So, if the Holy Prophets is not to be accepted as the fulfillment of all these prophecies then you still remain unfulfilled (-:
**The hosue of my glory refered to in Isaiah 1x, is the house of God at Mecca and not the Church of Christ as thought by Christian commentators. The flocks of Kedar, as mentioned in verse 7, have never come to the Church of Christ; and it is a fact that the villages of Kedar and their inhabitants are the only people in the whole world who have remained impenetrable to any influence of the Church of Christ.
**Moreover, the mentioned of 10,000 saints in Deuteronomy 33 is very significant. He (God) shined forth from Paran, and he came w/ 10,000 saints. Brod R-pope, kindly read the whole history of the wilderness of Paran and you will find no other event... BUT...when Mecca was conquered by the Prophet(Mohammed)...He comes w/ 10,000 followers from Medina and re-enters "the house of my glory". He gives the "fiery law" to the world, which reduced to ashes all laws. The comforter-the spirit of truth-as spoken by Jesus was no other than Mohammed(pbuh)himself. And so, it cannot be taken as the Holy Ghost, as the church theology says:
"It is expedient for you that I go away", says Jesus "for if i go not away the Comforter will not come unto you, but if i depart, i will send him unto you"
**The words clearly show that the comforter had to come after the departure of Jesus and was not w/ him when he uttered these words. Are we to presume that Jesus was devoid of the Holy Ghost if his coming was conditional on the going of Jesus; and besides, the way in w/c Jesus describes him makes him a human being, NOT a ghost, in his words :
"He shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that he shall speak"
**Should we presume that the Holy Ghost & God are two distinct entities? Eh! And that the Holy Ghost speaks of himself and also what he hears from God? Eh!
**The words of Jesus clearly refer to some messenger from God. He calls him the Spirit of Truth, and so the Qur'an speaks of Mohammed, "Nay, he has come with the Truth and verified the apostles".
**Now, Brod R-pope.. to repeat my question again as i mentioned in my earlier post..
"Can you please give me one new thing that the alleged Holy Ghost gave to anybody in the past two thousand six years(2006), which Jesus Christ had NOT already given in so many different words? I dont want many, i am just looking for one, JUST ONE!"
And Brod R-pope..seek ye the truth and the truth shall set you free(-: (-: (-:
Is it possible that Muhammad falls into the false prophet category?
**If we look up any Bible w/c has concordance or cross-references then we will find in the marginal note where the words "the prophet" or "that prophet" occur in John 1:25 that these words refers to the prophecy of Deutoromy 18:15 & 18. And that "that prophet".."the prophet like Moses"-"LIKE UNTO THEE", we have proved through overwhelming evidence that he was MOHAMMED and NOT Jesus!
**We Muslims are not denying that Jesus was the "Messiah" w/c word is translated as "Christ", We are not contesting the "thousand and one prophecies" w/c our Christians brother like you(Red-Pope) claim abound in the Old Testament foretelling the coming of the "Messiah"...What we say is that DEUTERONOMY 18:18 does NOT refer to Jesus Christ but it is an explicit prophecy about the Holy Prophet MOHAMMED!...so, to answer ur question if it is possible that Mohammed falls into the false prophet category?...my reply is absolutely NO! you want to know why? well, lets read and analyze the following verses of prophecy in the Old Testament:
Deuteronomy 18:18
"I will raised them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee (Moses; and I will put my words in his mouth"
**If these words do not apply to Mohammed, then Red-pope you are still remained unfulfilled. Even Jesus himself never claim to be the prophet alluded to..his disciples is of the same opinion, aren't they? Also Jesus, as is believed by his church, will appear as a judge and not a "Law-giver" BUT...the promised one has to come w/ a "Fiery Law" in "his right hand"
**In ascertaining the personality of the promised prophet the other prophecy of Moses, where it speaks the shining forth of God from Paran (the Mecca mountain):
Deuteronomy 33:2 w/c run as follows
"The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth FROM MOUNT PARAN, and HE CAME WITH TEN THOUSANDS (10,000) OF SAINTS; from his right hand a FIERY LAW FOR THEM".
**In these words the Lord has been compared w/ the sun. He comes from Sinai, He rises from Seir, but He shines in his full glory from Paran, where he had to appear w/ ten thousands of saints w/ fiery law in his right hand. So, Brod Red-pope...NONE of the Israelites, (including Jesus), had anything to do with Paran! isn't it?
Another verse...
"Hagar, with her son Ishmael, wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba, who afterwards dwelt in the wilderness of Paran" (Genesis 21:21)
**Then Ishmael, married an Egyptian woman, and through his firstborn, Kedar, gave descent to the Arabs who from that time till now are the dwellers of the wilderness of Paran. Soooo clear, Brod R-pope! And if Mohammed admittedly on all hands traces his descent to Ishmael through Kedar and he appeared as a prophet in the wilderness of Paran & re-entered Mecca w/ ten thousand (10,000) saints and gave a fiery law to his people...IS NOT THE PROPHECY ABOVE-MENTIONED FULFILLED TO ITS VERY LETTER?
**Furthermore, the words of the prophecy in Habakkuk are especially noteworthy "His (the Holy one from Paran) glory covered the heavens & the earth was full of his praise". The word "Praise" is very significant, as the very name Mohammed literally means "the praised one". Besides the Arabs, the inhabitants of the wilderness of Paran had also been promised a Revelation! in these verse (Isa x1ii.II)
**In connection w/ it there are another two prophecies worthy of note where references have been made to Kedar. the one runs in
Isaiah chapter 1x:I-7
"...All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up w/ acceptance on mine altar, and i will glorify the house of my glory"
Another prophecy: Isaiah 21: 13-17
"The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim. The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented w/ their bread HIM THAT FLED. For they fled from the swords...and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war. For thus hath the Lord said unto me, within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail: And the resdue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished"
**So, Brod pope are not those prophecies above clearly refers to Mohammed?
**If Ishmael inhabited the wilderness of Paran, where he gave birth to Kedar, who is the ancestor of the Arabs; and if the sons of Kedar had to receive revelation from God in
(verse Isa.x1ii.II); If the flocks of Kedar had to come up w/ acceptance to a Divine altar to glorify "the house of my glory" where the darkness had to cover the earth for some centuries, and then that very land had to receive light from God; and if all the glory of Kedar had to fail & the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, had to diminish w/in a yr after the one fled from the swords & from the bent bows---the Holy One from Paran(Hab. 3:3) is no one else than MOHAMMED(pbuh)
**Mohammed is the holy offspring of Ishmael through Kedar, who settled in the wilderness of Paran. Mohammed is the only Prophet through whom the Arabs received revelation at the time when the darkness had covered the earth. Through him God shone from Paran, and Mecca is the only place where the house of God is glorified and the flocks of Kedar come up w/ acceptance on its altar. Mohammed was presecuted by his people and had to leave Mecca. He was thirsty and fled from the drawn sword and the bent bow, and w/ in a yr after his flight the descendants of Kedar meet him at Badr (the place of the first battle between the Meccans and the Prophet), the children of Kedar and their number of archers diminish and all the glory of Kedar fails. So, if the Holy Prophets is not to be accepted as the fulfillment of all these prophecies then you still remain unfulfilled (-:
**The hosue of my glory refered to in Isaiah 1x, is the house of God at Mecca and not the Church of Christ as thought by Christian commentators. The flocks of Kedar, as mentioned in verse 7, have never come to the Church of Christ; and it is a fact that the villages of Kedar and their inhabitants are the only people in the whole world who have remained impenetrable to any influence of the Church of Christ.
**Moreover, the mentioned of 10,000 saints in Deuteronomy 33 is very significant. He (God) shined forth from Paran, and he came w/ 10,000 saints. Brod R-pope, kindly read the whole history of the wilderness of Paran and you will find no other event... BUT...when Mecca was conquered by the Prophet(Mohammed)...He comes w/ 10,000 followers from Medina and re-enters "the house of my glory". He gives the "fiery law" to the world, which reduced to ashes all laws. The comforter-the spirit of truth-as spoken by Jesus was no other than Mohammed(pbuh)himself. And so, it cannot be taken as the Holy Ghost, as the church theology says:
"It is expedient for you that I go away", says Jesus "for if i go not away the Comforter will not come unto you, but if i depart, i will send him unto you"
**The words clearly show that the comforter had to come after the departure of Jesus and was not w/ him when he uttered these words. Are we to presume that Jesus was devoid of the Holy Ghost if his coming was conditional on the going of Jesus; and besides, the way in w/c Jesus describes him makes him a human being, NOT a ghost, in his words :
"He shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that he shall speak"
**Should we presume that the Holy Ghost & God are two distinct entities? Eh! And that the Holy Ghost speaks of himself and also what he hears from God? Eh!
**The words of Jesus clearly refer to some messenger from God. He calls him the Spirit of Truth, and so the Qur'an speaks of Mohammed, "Nay, he has come with the Truth and verified the apostles".
**Now, Brod R-pope.. to repeat my question again as i mentioned in my earlier post..
"Can you please give me one new thing that the alleged Holy Ghost gave to anybody in the past two thousand six years(2006), which Jesus Christ had NOT already given in so many different words? I dont want many, i am just looking for one, JUST ONE!"
And Brod R-pope..seek ye the truth and the truth shall set you free(-: (-: (-: