Quote:(from Red-Pope)
"These men were quite different. Both have left their marks upon the world. Christians follow Christ, Muslims follow Muhammad.

Jesus said:
"if you love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15)

He said further:
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heavean..." (Mathew5:19)

BUT..every christians controversialist you question, "Do u keep the laws & the commandments?"...will answer "NO!" then if u ask further, "Why dont u?"...he will if he is a Bible-thumper invariably reply, "The law is nailed to the cross!"
it means..the law is done away with.
"We are now living under grace!" :-)

Everytime u prod him w/ what his Lord & Master Jesus(pbuh) had said, he will confront you with something from Galatians, Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, etc (like Brod RED-POPE:-)

And if u ask "Who are they?"..you will hear "PAUL,PAUL,PAUL!"
you question.."Who is your master?" and he will say "Jesus!"
BUT..he will ever & anon contradict his own Jesus(pbuh) by his Paul! :-), :-), :-)

No learned Christian will ever dispute the fact that the real founder of Christianity is St. Paul!

Peace be w/ us...