Just look through the posts!!
In no particular order!!!
1. Driving...wow...if your coming from the UK or US etc, be advised the driving is fast and furious, rule of thumb is if your car's nose is in front of the other driveer your in the right i.e. pull out and if they hit you its their fault unless they are Qatari (see Rochesters earlier post)!!
2. If your married expect as a rule of thumb your wife/spouse will get stared at and harrased!
3. Summer gets TO hot!!
4. Early morning prayer is a great alarm clock (bummer)

Good things.
1. No tax
2. Shorter hours (depending on what your last job was)
3. Nice weather (apart from summer when A/C is a god send)
4. Deserted beaches all year round (but watch for the rubbish)
5. Qatari's are genuinely decent folks!!!!!
6. With a close eye on QL there are a lot of things to do incl of social events.....

We came we saw we were Qatarized