First off, what are your qualifications?

AJI usually takes applicants with at least 3 years of journalistic experience. Researchers are actually bench journalists. That is journalists who, after experience in the field, have accumulated enough resources, source knowledge and contacts to be effective in buttressing the content of a news story or feature article. Being efficient is key here, and its very hard work! Sort of like Sub Editing, which can be grueling at times. (I know, I was a student journalist cum part time Sub Editor and I lost many weekends in front of my PC writing up my own stories and editing others!)

Sending your C.V via their Human Resources department or Website is not guaranteed to get you anywhere (though one of my freinds supposedly did that and ended up getting short listed which was good for him!). Get in touch with the department that is hiring DIRECTLY, and speak to the Editor in Chief/Manager Speak to him on the phone, ask him questions about the nature of the work and the ACTUAL caliber of candidates they are looking for. Be strong and assertive, don't let them swing you around. Cold call, lol. I have done that on too many an occasion, that is, until I got the contacts I wanted. Editors Absolutely LOVE THAT.

Once you get their PERSONAL email or Fax or whatever, Write a Strong cover letter (Check the Journalist's Tool Box for tips on how to write a good cover letter) , attach at least 2 writing samples and follow up on a bi monthly basis. That could hopefully land you an interview.

Trust me, after many cold calls, and impromptu visits to Jazeera's training office and Al offices (i could not get into the main station without an entry permit (and since I did not want to 'disturb' my colleagues working there), I was able to contact the Editor In Chief directly. I sent him my C.V as well as my writing samples. And I am hoping for the best

From what he has informed me, they have stopped accepting CV's for researcher positions and are currently sifting through 2,000 Applications at the moment. Yeah.. wow... They are fairly popular.

In the mean time, I am doing some freelance work, just to hone in on my experience. I suggest you try doing the same. Bear in mind that I also hold a full time job in a field completely unrelated to journalism!

Feel free to contact me if you need any additional help. OK?

Good Luck Nadia!


Don't let one man's dream become another's nightmare