1) U have made this claims in other threads and everyone disagreed with u ,

if u r hoping that 1 time u r going 2 bore us all too much to the extent that no one will reply to the increadible load of fallacies that u introuduce as matter of fact when they are no where close true, think again Buddy, not gonna happen..

2) u tried in vain over and over again to explain how christianity didnt need 2 negate any other religion and worked with em , i ask u , why do u then find the need to contantly compare christianity with islam and ALWAYS refer to jesus and christianity as SUPERIOR to islam and mohammad...

Dare i link that 2 the fact that u r trying 2 justify 2 urself ( in vain ) ur converting from islam 2 christianity??

According to the load of unsubtsantiated unfounded fallacies u discussed in ur post, please allow me to adress em 1 by 1 , so help me God...

May be ( hopefully), u will stop this redicilous attempt of urs to pass falacies as fact this time...

Firstly: I m not even going 2 comment on ur claim of the unity of the bible...i will leave ur fellow christians do that for u

Mohammad's teachings do indeed contradict with the bible, cuase the bible that u now read ( in muslim bleief) is nothing like the original bible ( that was revealed to jesus while alive)..

Today's bible in muslim belief is a compilation of stories and accounts of jesus's life written by some people ( humans) who may or may have not have had a persnal vested ineterest in putting their own twists on the stories they were telling...

And 4 ur information, the christian trinity is mentioned as father son and holly spirit ( with these same words) in at least 3 different locations in the quaran , and NEVER did mohammad ever claim that the virgin mary was part of that christian trinity..So get ur facts straight...

Mohammad also never confused moses;s sister with the vergin mary, and to merely say that without presneting any proof to it is all the proof any sain person needs 2 know u r making it up...

Islam NEVER EVER EVER EVER claimed that MOhammad;s revelation was greater than that of ANY OTHER PROPHET ...let alone jesus

Mohammad spoke fondly of ALL prophets as his BROTHERS, and of the revelations they revcieved as the BASE OF ISLAM ..

The quran states in ever so clear words in more places than i can count that an integral part of being a muslim is believeing in the prophets that came before and the words of God that came before, without ever belittiling them or their siginificance...

U calim that there is no evidence that the bible has been tampered with...i would like 2 see a copy of the orignal scripture written 2006 years ago...

i can take u to see copies of the koran that were written 1500 years ago ( immidiatelly after Mohammad died), if u can show me the same for the bible, i will believe u , if u cant ( and u cant), then dont make allegations that u can never substantiate in a million years from now..

For all we know, the men who wrote the bible had no prophetic abilities like jesus, and were men like u and me, writing about their " experience" with jesus, Hardly what u can call a devine book..

The original bible ( that muslims believe is not now circulated) is the compilation of reveleations recieved by Jesus the prophet from his and my and your God, the one God of us all)

* islam's reservation are not on the old and new testiment, it is on what Christians and jews believe today is the old and the new testiment, which muslims disagree is the original thing...

However, islam is the only religion that openly admits and ackonwledges the books and the propphets that came before it, a sign of openess and confidence...

on the flip side of the coin, when one is not confident about his material , he/she will continouslly try 2 belittle the " other" and call them " inferior " and not up 2 par, for in so doing he/she ( who have no confidence ) find some sort of relief in beliteeling others, its the only way they can feel UP, by trying 2 bring others down!!!

* Mohammad;s teachings do not contradict each other. they would seem like they do to someone who is superficially trying 2 touch upon the principles of islam but is no where even close to breaking the surface...

Islam is an entire way of life , multi layered, if u want me 2 explain 2 u one by one how and why mohammad;s teachings do not contradict each others, i will gladly do so ....

Like the teachings of jesus, those of mohammad were in PERFECT harmony with the moral code brought forward by his predecessors...

Mohammad never changed his teachings, and didnt contradict himself..

if u want 2 convince ur self he did, knock urself out...

Mohammad is NOT as great as jesus, and JESUS is NOT as great as mohammad,

It is NOT A COMPETITION, my prophet vesrus urs, or my god versus urs..

our God , ALL OF US, is but 1

and instead of making this ridiclous argument that u keep making over and over again, may be u shold take a serious deep look into ur faith and see the love and tolerance in it instead of of consistently trying 2 vent out this venom of hatred and blind prejudice of urs ....


i dont remeber ever seeing any one asking u 2 convert to islam..

if u dont believe it 2 be true, KNOCK URSELF OUT ...have a blast...and stop annoying everyone with ur comparisons..they are ridiclous, flawed, and wrong

the proof that islam is true, is that an entire area of the world used to worship stone and statues, and now they worship the 1 god that u believe in...

if thats not evidence enough for u , then again, feel free to knock urself out with disbelief...

*I again reitterate that Mohamad never sined ..if u have proof that he did, please share it with us and enlighten us

*mohammad fulfilled a LOAD Of old and new testiment propocies..i AGAINNNNNNNNNNN refer u to read and educate urself


*Mohammad made a TON of priditions of the futur, all of which are true ( TILL TODAY )...he even predicted the new fashion trend these days where women walk half naked ..he called them " dressed yet undressed"...he predicted the fall of persia and it did, he pridicted the islamistaion of egypt , and a whole load of other things...

* i AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN tell u that Moahammad did perform miracles whitnesses by thousands...the fact that u r ignorant of em doesnt change what he did..

He fed an entire army from a little bit of milk in a bottle he had
the moon split when he pointed at it as a sign of his prophethood
he healed the sick with the touch of his hand...


and again i explain 2 u that MOhamad;s experience was MEANT to be MORE HUMAN and LESS reliant on super duper miracles like those of jesus so that he can b an example that we can all follow..

and dude, for the FINAL TIME, if u dont want 2 believe in mohamamd , seriouslly, by ALL MEANS, KNOCK YESELF OUT

just save us PLEASE oh dear God from these long boring succession of lies and fallacies one after one....

whats it gonna take to get u 2 shut up about this?

do u want 2 hear jesus was greater than mohammad?

allrit champ

jesus was super cool

happy now??!?!



"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat