Prefer the term Druid personally, with a mix of as memory serves correct pagans actually performed ritualistic after the wild sex can I go and kill a goat or such like, or do I have to go and find a virgin for that honour and do I have to buy her a valentines card to boot?
Valentines day is a day of showing your love for someone however I do think it has become a commercial entity more over these days.
Prefer the term Druid personally, with a mix of as memory serves correct pagans actually performed ritualistic after the wild sex can I go and kill a goat or such like, or do I have to go and find a virgin for that honour and do I have to buy her a valentines card to boot?
Valentines day is a day of showing your love for someone however I do think it has become a commercial entity more over these days.
We came we saw we were Qatarized