Thanks for your little synopsis! I am definatley including something about Blogs in the article, so thank you for the information!
Ahmad, Sure, give me a call I dont mind! :) I remember you now!
Well, going back to the issue of censorship, underwhat conditions is censorship applied usually, and what topics should be censored, if anything?
No Doubt, this is turning into a very interesting discussion!
Thank you so far for the continued responses!
Don't let one man's dream become another's nightmare
Thanks for your little synopsis!
I am definatley including something about Blogs in the article, so thank you for the information!
Ahmad, Sure, give me a call I dont mind! :) I remember you now!
Well, going back to the issue of censorship, underwhat conditions is censorship applied usually, and what topics should be censored, if anything?
No Doubt, this is turning into a very interesting discussion!
Thank you so far for the continued responses!
Don't let one man's dream become another's nightmare