Gypsy my sweet...Promiscuity is very wrong in a sense that sickness like AIDS is spread by it.(however, i respect ur views if u prefer it)

Many homosexuals are promiscuos, many are not. Some practiced of "safe sex" to avoid transmitting AIDS and other diseases, but others do not! also teenage girls are frequently made pregnant by older men and boys dont get pregnant.

Too frequently, religious commentators on sexual behaviour get stuck w/ the obvious fact that all sex outside marriage is forbidden & fail to acknowledge different degrees of certainly diminishes the number of wrongs being committed.

"Safe Sex" outside of marriage is still wrong but much less so than "unsafe sex" w/c can hurt so many more people. So, if teenage boys are impelled to have sex w/ each other than to cause girls to conceive unwanted children? God judges this matters, it is not for us to say! but the very question should make us evaluate our attitude towards homosexuality differently.
Promiscuos homosexuality is terrible because it kills people by a horrible debilitating disease. Monogamous homosexuality is wrong, but is it worse than a man & woman living together w/o marriage? is it as bad as using prostitutes? As our Prophet Jesus(pbuh) said: "Judge not lest ye be judged".

Also, sex outside marriage(in anyways) is forbidden in Islam, Christianity & other religions...BUT & BUT....rationalizing beings people will always try to find a justification for any activity w/c they find enjoyable.

"Frankly I would rather have my daughter know what a condom is at 14 and how to use it, then think the you can only become pregnant if your married".

Condom is not 100% safe, it can be tear off, burst while...
(u know). Having said that, what if one of ur daughter's partner has an infectious ST-disease like AIDS? (knock on wood) what is ur say? dear Gypsy?

Note: I'm not discriminating AIDS-patient here, as some had unsexually contaminated the disease.