Over all most of the GCC is from Ahela Sunnah wo jam'ah.
The methodology chosen by the most of Scholars of the Ahela Sunnah wo jam'ah is of the Salaf as Salehheen (Rehmat Allah Aley hum Jamian)
The word Salafi comes from the followers of the methodology of Salaf al Salehheen (Rehmat Allah Aley hum jamian).
So all the Masajids out here are more or less in the same pattern. regarding the Friday Sermon; the translation post the Sermon is conducted in Malayalam is most of the big masajids.. (Abu Baker Sadiq) use to do that.
The only Masjid which conducts the Kuthba/Sermon in non arabic (English) is the Masjid within the Fanar (QCPI)
Over all most of the GCC is from Ahela Sunnah wo jam'ah.
The methodology chosen by the most of Scholars of the Ahela Sunnah wo jam'ah is of the Salaf as Salehheen (Rehmat Allah Aley hum Jamian)
The word Salafi comes from the followers of the methodology of Salaf al Salehheen (Rehmat Allah Aley hum jamian).
So all the Masajids out here are more or less in the same pattern. regarding the Friday Sermon; the translation post the Sermon is conducted in Malayalam is most of the big masajids.. (Abu Baker Sadiq) use to do that.
The only Masjid which conducts the Kuthba/Sermon in non arabic (English) is the Masjid within the Fanar (QCPI)