- Exchange rate is 1 QR = .086 means 86 Riyals = 1000 Rs
- Banks charge more for electronic transfer and their exchange rate is also bit higher. Always transfer your money through money exchanges. If you need the money urgent in India..you can use telex transfer you will get it same day. or you can take a Draft and send it by post to your bank.
- NRE account is not liable for income tax. You get more interest for NRE account.
- Its always better to have an NRE account.
- Both commercial Bank and Doha bank are good.. I prefer commercial Bank.
- You need a letter from your employer and a copy of your RP and passport copy to start a bank account here.
- Exchange rate is 1 QR = .086 means 86 Riyals = 1000 Rs
- Banks charge more for electronic transfer and their exchange rate is also bit higher. Always transfer your money through money exchanges. If you need the money urgent in India..you can use telex transfer you will get it same day. or you can take a Draft and send it by post to your bank.
- NRE account is not liable for income tax. You get more interest for NRE account.
- Its always better to have an NRE account.
- Both commercial Bank and Doha bank are good.. I prefer commercial Bank.
- You need a letter from your employer and a copy of your RP and passport copy to start a bank account here.