Normally, it is quite natural for anyone to love,praise,idolize or hero-worship one's leader, be it a guru,saint or prophet. and very often we do. However, if we were to reproduce here, what great muslims have said or written about our illustrious prophet, it could be played down as exaggeration,fancy or idolization by the sceptics and the opponents of Islam. Therefore allow me to quote unbiased historians, friendly critics and even avowed enemies of that mighty messenger of God(Muhummed pbuh).

In recent times, a book has been published in America titled "THE 100", or the TOP ONE HUNDRED, or the Greatest Hundered in History. A certain Michael H. Hart, described as a historian,mathematician and astronomer has written this novel book. He has searched history, seeking for men, including Asoka, Aristotle, Buddha, Confucius, Hitler, Plato, & Zoroaster.
He does not give us a mere chart of the topmost "One Hundred" from the point of view of their influence on people, but he evaluates the degree of their influence and rates them in order of their excellence from No.1, through the No.100. He gives us his reason for the placing of his candidates. We are not asked to agree w/ him, but we cannot help admire the men's research and honesty.

The most amazing thing about his selection is that he has put our Holy prophet Muhummed(pbuh) as No.1, the first of his "100!"
thus confirming, unknowingly, God's own testimony in his final revelation to the world:

"Most certainly, you have in the messenger of Allah an excellent pattern(of behaviour)" Sura Ahzab-Holy Qurán 33:21

M. Hart, placing the prophet of Islam as No.1, has naturally pleased the muslims. But his choice has shocked the non-muslims, more specially the jews and the christians, who considered this as affront. What? Jesus(pbuh) No.3 and Moses(pbuh) No.40. This is very difficult to stomach, but what says Hart? let us hear his arguments:

"Since there are roughly twice as many christians in the world, it may initially seem strange that Muhammad has been ranked higher than Jesus.

There are two principal reasons for that decision:

FIRST, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of Islam than Jesus did in the development of Christianity.

although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity(insofar as these differed from Judaism)
St. Paul was the main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytizer, and the author of a large portion of the New Testament.

Muhammad, however, was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its main ethical and moral principles.

In addition, he played the key role in proselytizing the new faith, and in enstablishing the religious practices of Islam"

(Michael Hart in his book "THE 100" pages 38-39)

According to M. Hart, the honour for founding Christianity is to be shared between Jesus(pbuh) and St. Paul. The latter he believes to be the real founder of Christianity.
Out of 27 books of the New Testament, more than half is authored by Paul. As opposed to Paul, the master has not written a single word of the 27 books. If you can lay your hands on what is called "A Red Letter Bible", you will find every word alleged to have been uttered by Jesus(pbuh)-in red ink, and the rest in normal black ink. Don't be shocked to find out that in this so-called "INJEEL", the Gospel of Jesus, over ninety percent of the 27 books of the New Testament is printed in black ink! and if you are on actual confrontation w/ christian missionaries you will find them quoting one hundred percent from Paul.