Islam never tolerates aggression from its own side or from any other side, nor does it entertain aggressive wars or the initiation of aggressive wars. Muslims are commanded by God, NOT TO begin hostilities, or embark on any act of agression, or violates any rights of others. Whether or not you accept my point of view, the fact still remains that Islam is the religion of peace in the fullest sense of the term; that unjust war was NEVER among its teachings; that aggression was never in its tenets or tolerated by it; that force was never employed to impose it on anyone; that the expansion of islam was never due to compulsion or oppression; that misappropriation was never forgivable by God or acceptable to islam; and that WHOEVER distorts or misrepresents the islamic teachings will do more harm to his ownself and his associates than to islam. Because it is the religion of God and the straight path to him, it survived under the most difficult conditions, and it will survive to be the safe bridge to happy eternity. Should you still have any doubts about this fact? you would be wise to study islam, read and re-read the Qur'an and refresh your memory of its history. Peace be w/ u.