Ok here is my opinion.
You do not have to cover up with abaya or head scarf unless you are a local or your religion/tradition requires it.
However, if you are female expect to get harassed on the street. In my experience, even if respecting local customs and wearing loose clothing, no skin whatsoever showing and even possibly pulling your hood of your jumper up... expect to get cars tooting, slowing down, pulling over next to you, harassing you, following you.
Unfortunately, guide books do not explain this factor, stating that it is safe for women to walk around in qatar. I have never felt so insecure prior to travelling to this country. And do not expect it to be the workers that have come into the country (eg indians or pakistanis etc), it will almost always be arabs.
I am so highly disappointed in a country that claims to be liberal and open-minded to find that despite westerners and foreigners having to respect local customs that there is no mutual respect for us.
In my opinion, perhaps it is time for the locals to take a good hard look at themsleves and their insular, inconsiderate behaviour to any non-local living in qatar... until then I don't expect this country to meet its over-expectation of becoming the new 'Dubai' of the region.
Ok here is my opinion.
You do not have to cover up with abaya or head scarf unless you are a local or your religion/tradition requires it.
However, if you are female expect to get harassed on the street. In my experience, even if respecting local customs and wearing loose clothing, no skin whatsoever showing and even possibly pulling your hood of your jumper up... expect to get cars tooting, slowing down, pulling over next to you, harassing you, following you.
Unfortunately, guide books do not explain this factor, stating that it is safe for women to walk around in qatar. I have never felt so insecure prior to travelling to this country. And do not expect it to be the workers that have come into the country (eg indians or pakistanis etc), it will almost always be arabs.
I am so highly disappointed in a country that claims to be liberal and open-minded to find that despite westerners and foreigners having to respect local customs that there is no mutual respect for us.
In my opinion, perhaps it is time for the locals to take a good hard look at themsleves and their insular, inconsiderate behaviour to any non-local living in qatar... until then I don't expect this country to meet its over-expectation of becoming the new 'Dubai' of the region.