Lili dear, referring to ur questions, though personally i'm puzzled. Han19,(lol) please don't promote me as Bible scholar i just learned it out of curiousity to their trinity. members may think that i'm a Muslim converts and as i told u thats makes me more strong in my faith to Islam. Alhamdulillah!

Lili asked:

1. If christ is god how could he have been crucified?
=He has to be crucified because that's the agreement between the Father & the Son, in his last words before he departed from this world to his disciples:

"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth;
it is expedient to you that I go away: for if I not go away, the COMFORTER will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you". (Holy Bible John 16:7)

"I have yet MANY things to say unto you
He will guide you into ALL truth" (John 16:12-13)

*In this verse WHO is the comforter that will come unto you?
for Muslims: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)- fulfilled the prophecy
for Christians: The Holy Ghost- fulfilled the prophecy.

Question: If the one prophesied by Jesus(pbuh) was to unravel MANY things w/c he had left unsaid, as well as to guide humanity into ALL truth. There are many problems facing mankind today (e.i. gambling, problem of surplus women), for which we are fumbling for answers, Is there anything that the alledged Holy Ghost gave to anybody in the past more than 2,000 years, which Jesus(pbuh) had not already given in so many different words? I dont want many, I am looking for JUST ONE?

2. What does god mean in christianity?
=God is one but he manifested himself as the Father or as the Son or as the Holy Ghost being always one and in the same person.

3. What are the qualities attributed to god in christian point of veiw?
= They said each person in the trinity has some particular attributes w/ are not proper to the other two. And this attributes indicates according to human reasoning and language as the priority and posteriority. The father always holds the first rank, and is prior to the son. The Holy Ghost is not only posterior as the third in the order of counting but even inferior to those from whom he proceeds.

=The father begets and is not begotten; the Son is begotten and not a father; the Holy Ghost is the issue of the other two persons, the first person is described as CREATOR & DESTROYER; the second person as a SAVIOUR & REDEEMER; and the third as a LIFE-GIVER. Then they said the second person is the WORD of the first person, becomes man and is sacrificed on the cross to satisfy the justice of his father, and that his incarnation and resurrection are open and accomplished by the third person.

Question: If they are co-equal and co-eval, will not the signing of the cross upon the countenance be considered impious if the formula reversed as "In the name of the Holy Ghost and of the Son and of the Father"?

Any other support?