Butterfly...I do agree on the flight thing. Although I don't think children should be running up and down the aisles of the plane. I have seen many parents on airplanes that get up with their children and walk around on the flights and look at different things, go to the bathroom, etc. I think this is a polite way to allow children to move about on a plane. I don't want to sit in a seat for so long without getting up and moving, why should a child have to? I also agree with PM on bringing lots of entertainment though.

If a child is being just absolutely unruly, there is a reason. Why not go into a restroom, sit down at their level and TALK to them? Put yourself in their shoes to try to figure out the root of the problem. Most of the time, giving them this attention and showing them that you care about what is wrong with them, will in itself calm them down.

So many people on this thread seem to think that randr88 is complaining about kids just being kids. However, none of us were in the situation. We do not know if these kids were being HOOLIGANS or KIDS. It depends on ones tolerance. The idea that I've gotten from these posts is that no one here believes that there are UNRULY children. CHildren are a product of their environment and if their parents are not around to shape their lives, there are going to problems. There are unruly adults, there are unruly children. We don't live in lala land where everyone is polite, kind and mannerful. That being said, I think as the good parents that we are in this forum, we have the right to complain when we see unruly kids.

Oh and by the way, when someone complains about unruly kids, it doesn't mean they hate kids. Don't assume this. There are bratty kids.

It's Deanne :)