It is possible though alittle tight. For living expenses wise, you probably could survive at about 1K. Bills, calls probably another 200, transport is tricky. It depends on what you are going for. Petrol is about 30~40 is about a full tank for 1.5~1.6litre. Buses is not as convenient as you think. So is taxi.
Probably if you elaborate more we can help you guage better. Also during your first 2 or 3 months of visit, you may need to also consider thing like medical coverage, your RP application and process, initial setup of your place and the temp transition. I have seen some accomodation shared with only a room for round 1.8K to 2.2K. Not sure about the details.
It is possible though alittle tight. For living expenses wise, you probably could survive at about 1K. Bills, calls probably another 200, transport is tricky. It depends on what you are going for. Petrol is about 30~40 is about a full tank for 1.5~1.6litre. Buses is not as convenient as you think. So is taxi.
Probably if you elaborate more we can help you guage better. Also during your first 2 or 3 months of visit, you may need to also consider thing like medical coverage, your RP application and process, initial setup of your place and the temp transition. I have seen some accomodation shared with only a room for round 1.8K to 2.2K. Not sure about the details.
Hope these helps.