Sorry, but I had to laugh at butterfly’s sign off written in caps.... "Anyways, I'm out. Have a nice day CHILDREN!!!"

st harakan,
One of the hardest things to do is get a feel for what someone’s mood is when they post and things can get lost in translation to text, especial humour and a western one more than any, we love wit, sarcasm and it can come across wrong, that is one of the main reasons for the introduction of smiles, this site does not seem to have that, it is difficult purely by text alone.

Using caps lock is to make a statement in a word in a sentence, but if a whole post is written in it, it can come across as aggressive,it represents shouting. I find a whole post in caps lock hard to read as you tend to not seen the punctuations and there are no immediate distinctions for the start and end of sentences.