ADD and ADHD are fabrications of the pharmecutical and parental industries. If these were real issue sthey would have existed for generations and not have just appeared in the last 2 decades. Get over the excuses, stop pointing fingers at all the reasons why your children are misbehaving, and spank the crap out of a disobedient little runt running amok. Fix you problems through education and firm handed discipline not medication or excuses. These problems were invented by inattentive piss poor parent s to excuse their own inadequecies in raising children.
ADD and ADHD are fabrications of the pharmecutical and parental industries. If these were real issue sthey would have existed for generations and not have just appeared in the last 2 decades. Get over the excuses, stop pointing fingers at all the reasons why your children are misbehaving, and spank the crap out of a disobedient little runt running amok. Fix you problems through education and firm handed discipline not medication or excuses. These problems were invented by inattentive piss poor parent s to excuse their own inadequecies in raising children.
Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?