I fully respect your decision to post the story. I am an ex Police Officer from the UK and I fully understand the amount of courage required to express a traumatic incident. If the police here are not able to assist then I still believe that you should put your incident in writing and send it to the attention of a senior police officer. Also send it to the relevant Embassy and a copy to the newspapers as well as Al Jazeera TV.
If you are able to, can you please provide a full description of the the animal, doha Zoo have a space for another. A full description is vital because if it happens again, then the descriptions can be linked to the same person or group of persons. Please also provide the exact time and place of this incident.
I have been in Doha since May and I have noticed how deprived some of the men appear. According to my police experience, I would agree with the earlier comments that such animals start off by taking smaller steps which eventually lead to rape and even murder.
If anyone else is faced with this horrific situation, then use what ever is necssary at your disposal. If these people act like wild animals, then they should be treated accordingly.
I fully respect your decision to post the story. I am an ex Police Officer from the UK and I fully understand the amount of courage required to express a traumatic incident. If the police here are not able to assist then I still believe that you should put your incident in writing and send it to the attention of a senior police officer. Also send it to the relevant Embassy and a copy to the newspapers as well as Al Jazeera TV.
If you are able to, can you please provide a full description of the the animal, doha Zoo have a space for another. A full description is vital because if it happens again, then the descriptions can be linked to the same person or group of persons. Please also provide the exact time and place of this incident.
I have been in Doha since May and I have noticed how deprived some of the men appear. According to my police experience, I would agree with the earlier comments that such animals start off by taking smaller steps which eventually lead to rape and even murder.
If anyone else is faced with this horrific situation, then use what ever is necssary at your disposal. If these people act like wild animals, then they should be treated accordingly.