There are plenty of nice areas in and around Doha, West Bay is the nicest however if 50,000 is your full salary Im not sure you would want to spend 30,000 of that per month on a property.
Cost of living is slowly starting to rise in Doha so you must be aware of that prior to coming over. Not so sure on properties near the shore, but Wakra is the nearest beach type place to Doha that has had properties for rent (could be a good starter for search strings).
Not so much of the Brit/Canadian communities as we are all wide spread over the city etc, however you can get on the mailing list for your embassy and meet people that way, as previously described there are plenty of activity centres based loosely around sports and social clubs to get to meet people from many different countries and cultures.
Best of luck.
You're born, you take s**t. You get out in the world, you take more s**t. You climb a little higher, you take less s**t. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what s**t even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake son.
There are plenty of nice areas in and around Doha, West Bay is the nicest however if 50,000 is your full salary Im not sure you would want to spend 30,000 of that per month on a property.
Cost of living is slowly starting to rise in Doha so you must be aware of that prior to coming over. Not so sure on properties near the shore, but Wakra is the nearest beach type place to Doha that has had properties for rent (could be a good starter for search strings).
Not so much of the Brit/Canadian communities as we are all wide spread over the city etc, however you can get on the mailing list for your embassy and meet people that way, as previously described there are plenty of activity centres based loosely around sports and social clubs to get to meet people from many different countries and cultures.
Best of luck.
You're born, you take s**t. You get out in the world, you take more s**t. You climb a little higher, you take less s**t. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what s**t even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake son.