It is true that expats contribute greatly to the economy but they are not here out of the goodness of their hearts. They are here because they see an opportunity to make more money than they could at home.

Qatar has oil and gas and generates a lot of money. There are many people who would like to take that money away from them. My experience of Qataris is that they will treat you well if you earn there trust. They see people come and go. Why should they trust such an opportunistic transient workforce that far outnumbers their own population? I think they are by and large doing a good job in developing this country's infrastructure and human capital for a time when there is no oil and gas.

I have never heard of Qataris just firing people they don't like. I work for a Qatari company that treats all of its employees well and this company is not the exception. It is sometimes hard to get to know Qataris because there aren't that many of them and a lot of urban myths fly around. It is true that some people abuse low status workers such as maids and that is disgusting and needs to be reported and addressed.

This vile practice happens everywhere in the world where there are huge gaps in wealth and income. It is wrong and the perpetrators shpuld be named, shamed and punished wherever and whoever they are.

This country is far from perfect and needs to improve in many areas. The Qataris I know, realize this and are making changes. However, they must be careful not to force change too fast or they risk leaving people behind.