If you get a flat, CHANGE your tire. All necessary tools and the spare are in the vehicle.
Check your tire pressure monthly. This is a simple matter of using an air gauge and placing it on the valve stem. All 4 tires can be done in about 2 minutes.
Check your oil monthly.
Modern vehicles with these simple precautions will have no problem making between oil changes, when the mechanic can inspect the vehicle in more detail.
The above steps are basic car owner responsibilities. If you cannot change a tire then you should learn how to avoid the above mentioned 2 hour wait for a wrecker to do such a simple task.
If you get a flat, CHANGE your tire. All necessary tools and the spare are in the vehicle.
Check your tire pressure monthly. This is a simple matter of using an air gauge and placing it on the valve stem. All 4 tires can be done in about 2 minutes.
Check your oil monthly.
Modern vehicles with these simple precautions will have no problem making between oil changes, when the mechanic can inspect the vehicle in more detail.
The above steps are basic car owner responsibilities. If you cannot change a tire then you should learn how to avoid the above mentioned 2 hour wait for a wrecker to do such a simple task.