The riots in France had nothing to do with religion.

The perpetrators of the acts were overwhelmingly Muslim, but their Muslimness had no causal role in the riots.

In fact, it was other characteristics they shared that played a causal role in the violence. You should explain why you've ignored them while wrongfully attributing their actions to their Muslimness.

The rioters are the male children of first, second, and third generation North African immigrants. They form an economic underclass, suffer from high levels of unemployment, and are not integrated into French society and economy.

A majority of them were young men involved with gangs, who do drugs, drink alcohol, assault girls, etc. Their rage was not religious, nor did they identify themselves religiously. Moreover, the victims of their violence (car and shop owners, etc.) were overwhelmingly Muslim.

Read a newspaper before you become an armchair political analyst and historian.