I think you are very lucky to have your national school open here in Qatar, I would be very happy if an Aussie school opened up here, with Aussie teachers and curriculum, and as previously posted if you where in Canada you kids would be in a Canadian school, I cannot see why you are complaining?.

As a side issue and some history, in 2002 a group of Canadian QP employees complained about going to the American school and wanted their children in DESS, claiming DESS was closer to the Canadian system, the real reason was that DESS had the Nursery class that started at 4 years old and this group wanted to start there children in school earlier, the funny thing is that DESS is cheaper than the American school. QP obliged these employee but promptly change their policy moving the starting age out to 5 years which affected many other Employees myself included (this has now changed back to 4 years), so before a Canadian school started in Qatar a Canadian had a choice between British and American systems. There is nothing malicious in the QP system, they are not smart enough to be, they are just blindly following the policy.