Aside from the relative weakness of that comparison, public pools see quite a bit of public urine. Is it ok, no. Why isn't ok? Because there is never an excusable place for someone to urinate when it may come into contact with other people. Human waste carries way more of a biohazard risk than cigarette smoke ever will. Lots of things are banned but people do them anyway, welcome to earth. However, if something is banned then that usually means that some governing body is responsible for enforcing that ban. Whether it's law enforcement or a local shop owner, it is someone's job to confront people who are breaking that ban. Unless you are the person in charge of enforcement, you should keep your opinions to yourself.
Aside from the relative weakness of that comparison, public pools see quite a bit of public urine. Is it ok, no. Why isn't ok? Because there is never an excusable place for someone to urinate when it may come into contact with other people. Human waste carries way more of a biohazard risk than cigarette smoke ever will. Lots of things are banned but people do them anyway, welcome to earth. However, if something is banned then that usually means that some governing body is responsible for enforcing that ban. Whether it's law enforcement or a local shop owner, it is someone's job to confront people who are breaking that ban. Unless you are the person in charge of enforcement, you should keep your opinions to yourself.