I have a feeling that you might be homesick or something. But to answer your question, I think that there is nothing wrong from working to have a nice house,nice car and some $$$ for your kids. I lived in the us for over 5yrs and I felt people are driven by the buck more than people here in qatar. I felt something in america keep pushing people to wanna make more and more money. And I think this was because of the f**king tv. They are constantly showing houses of the richest people in america like they are constantly telling the majority of americans that this is how you should live and if not then u gotta kill urself. I think here people are little bit different in a sense they wanna make more money, but i feel they are still connected to their families and freinds.
I have a feeling that you might be homesick or something. But to answer your question, I think that there is nothing wrong from working to have a nice house,nice car and some $$$ for your kids. I lived in the us for over 5yrs and I felt people are driven by the buck more than people here in qatar. I felt something in america keep pushing people to wanna make more and more money. And I think this was because of the f**king tv. They are constantly showing houses of the richest people in america like they are constantly telling the majority of americans that this is how you should live and if not then u gotta kill urself. I think here people are little bit different in a sense they wanna make more money, but i feel they are still connected to their families and freinds.