You've made some very valid points here.However, this way of driving in my opnion, is not going to change any time soon. I have seen it over and over in Kuwait as well as Qatar. I've even seen them driving in access of 150 with a newspaper spread out around the steering wheel! Imagine....Lack of education on driving, and until that changes I fear that this type of driving will never stop.
If it wasn't for the defensive driving of some of us there would be a whole lot more accidents happening!
You've made some very valid points here.However, this way of driving in my opnion, is not going to change any time soon. I have seen it over and over in Kuwait as well as Qatar. I've even seen them driving in access of 150 with a newspaper spread out around the steering wheel! Imagine....Lack of education on driving, and until that changes I fear that this type of driving will never stop.
If it wasn't for the defensive driving of some of us there would be a whole lot more accidents happening!