I do agree with some of the observations about the tendenceis of men from certain countries having staring probs, engaging in sexual harassment,etc. Certain types of women, unfortunately, are considered 'fair game' for them. It not only happens to Western women in South Asia, but South Asian women wearing westernized clothing. And it happens to fairly ugly white girls as well. So it's not necessarily something about beauty, but about how the culprit perceives the sexuality of the victim.

But we'd have to be a bit more accurate and understand that we are not getting a random sample of people from a certain country. From South Asia, we are getting large numbers of the lower class and lower-middle class. Single, poor men, without access to women. Moreover, there are attractive women around them, but they have no ability to engage them because of a variety of reasons, including class, income, racial, and language barriers.

Let's say you were in NY, and you took out the white people, except for the construction workers. Now, NY construction workers are 100X worse than the laborers here. Should we use experiences with them to make conclusion about white males?

Should we start a thread about white men and non-Western women? About how nerdy white guys get rent a brides from the developing world or go elsewhere for "sex tourism" and molest little children? Are other factors involved, like wealth? I think it's fair to make cultural assumptions/conclusions -- but let's not reduce our analysis to a single factor.