I wouldn't call Indian men 'hormone crazy' I just call it damm right ignorance and disrespect. The behaviour patterns can be like pack animals - its bestial.

There are good and bad folk everywhere but actually I have found as long as I am pretty firm with boundaries and behave decouriously Arab men are fine and many very courteous. Unfortunately I have only seen minimal charm and grace from Indian males and find them uncompassionate and agressive.

I think a society shows its true colours by how it treats its weakest members. As a female I am preceived (ha ha!) as this...so it is an inditement on the perpertrator's thinking.

Tip: If you live in a dimly lit area Carry a fork in your pocket... it isn't seen as a dangerous weapon but if worse came to worse I am sure if a guy had one stuck in his goolies it would be rather painful. (Then call me so I can come and laugh)