This is getting beyond a joke all this susan cr** I said before some people here need therapy - lets not let the QL website be the forum for all this constant rubbish.
Otherwise maybe we all need to go to Qatar Blah Blah instead as this is ruining this website forum.
I agree with ESL Teacher - can you not block this mad man mujahid from the site - its about time as regulars are getting rather annoyed - its obvious.
This is getting beyond a joke all this susan cr** I said before some people here need therapy - lets not let the QL website be the forum for all this constant rubbish.
Otherwise maybe we all need to go to Qatar Blah Blah instead as this is ruining this website forum.
I agree with ESL Teacher - can you not block this mad man mujahid from the site - its about time as regulars are getting rather annoyed - its obvious.