I suspect the problem with having your super transferred is that it probably is being *paid out* [ as you have said ] rather than transferred. You should incur no tax on a super/pension transfer. I would try to contact the ATO [ ato.gov.au ] and see if there is any opportunity for this *pay out* to be deemed a transfer or *rollover* as they call it here.
I would seriously leaving it rather than have it double-taxed. At 60 something it should be all your tax free. But please don't take my advice there are others more qualified.
Hi Kerrie,
I suspect the problem with having your super transferred is that it probably is being *paid out* [ as you have said ] rather than transferred. You should incur no tax on a super/pension transfer. I would try to contact the ATO [ ato.gov.au ] and see if there is any opportunity for this *pay out* to be deemed a transfer or *rollover* as they call it here.
I would seriously leaving it rather than have it double-taxed. At 60 something it should be all your tax free. But please don't take my advice there are others more qualified.
Thanks for the tip about Karratha.