If you intent to save some money, this offer will not help. You would need at the least 300 USD to survive. Personal expenses extra, which may begin at around 100USD for a modest person. add phone expenses 30 USD plus airtime. Entertainment is also costly. If housing is not included, forget the offer. If you are coming, be sure that you get a proper employment contract. Get the provision of 1000USD included if possible. Verbal assurances may not be enforced.
If you intent to save some money, this offer will not help. You would need at the least 300 USD to survive. Personal expenses extra, which may begin at around 100USD for a modest person. add phone expenses 30 USD plus airtime. Entertainment is also costly. If housing is not included, forget the offer. If you are coming, be sure that you get a proper employment contract. Get the provision of 1000USD included if possible. Verbal assurances may not be enforced.