Hi, I am a Qatari man and i am realy sorry to hear all this about us, Prostitutes are eveywhere, and here in Qatar it is the lowest, and if you see that it is most in asian's and forigners such as americans and indians looking for phelipinos and other nationalities in all Qatar's hotels, you can go and check by your self to any hotel in the weekend and i challenge you if a qatari guy would approach you, only other nationalities are doing this bad picture about our country, now coming back to Qataries, yes it is true Qataries like sex same as other nationalities, but the difference here that we men start doing sex in a late age where the person would start working and start collecting money so he can go abroad or get girls localy and start dating them, it is the human nature to get attracted to girls, specially in a matured age it would be explosive thats why most of european girls in europe looking for arabs to satisfy them.

just to clarify things up and not to take bad or wrong picture about us, we are the same as any other country, and again for western girls Qatari men looking for them because they are free girls and she might do sex for the guy she likes or attracted to, not like arab girls were our religion prohibets that unless she marries the guy.