"It’s the international exposure that one would hope both would represent. You can't begin to understand other peoples till you've immersed yourself in their existsnce. Don't you think an american president NEEDS a worldly understanding of humanity??"
- Define "worldly understanding of humanity" please. George W. Bush is not old enough to have "immersed" himself in enough foreign cultures to possibly possess this "worldly understanding" that you speak of. No American President lived enough years to do that. No human being has lived enough years to do that. It is unreasonable to expect that of anyone; least of all a politician who has been quite busy throughout his political career and has not had the free time to "immerse" himself in other cultures. AGAIN...this whole argument is weak and speculative at best.
"To be clear, I have not at any time cited his lack of pre-presidential international experience as the singular reason for his flawed foreign policy (in my opinion). But it doesn't take a CSI episode to see the link."
--I never said you did. I simply said that I failed to see how it could be cited as A reason (not THE reason; A reason; meaning there could be more) for his flawed foreign policy. These things are much simpler to discuss when you don't take things out of context, agree?
"GWB's credibility is questioned much more because the man is more intrinsically flawed. He's a dilletante. Lack of a passport was one of the least of his problems... but certainly one of them!!"
--Now you're starting to see things my way. Lack of a passport is certainly ONE of the LEAST of his problems. Now, if something is only ONE of the LEAST of something else, that makes it pretty darn insignificant now doesn't it? I'm glad we're getting somewhere. Oh, and it's spelled "dilettante". Please don't misspell words when you're questioning someone else's intelligence.
"Give Clinton his due - Bush inherited a booming economy. As for Bushes problems.. please... he said it himself.. 'I'm a President with war on my mind..'. Nice. What's he going to leave the next president??"
--Again...taken out of context. Of course Bush is a man with war on his mind...our country has been at war for most of his presidency. What would you rather him say? "I'm a President with baseball on my mind!" Then he gets crucified because he isn't focusing on the war.
"It’s the international exposure that one would hope both would represent. You can't begin to understand other peoples till you've immersed yourself in their existsnce. Don't you think an american president NEEDS a worldly understanding of humanity??"
- Define "worldly understanding of humanity" please. George W. Bush is not old enough to have "immersed" himself in enough foreign cultures to possibly possess this "worldly understanding" that you speak of. No American President lived enough years to do that. No human being has lived enough years to do that. It is unreasonable to expect that of anyone; least of all a politician who has been quite busy throughout his political career and has not had the free time to "immerse" himself in other cultures. AGAIN...this whole argument is weak and speculative at best.
"To be clear, I have not at any time cited his lack of pre-presidential international experience as the singular reason for his flawed foreign policy (in my opinion). But it doesn't take a CSI episode to see the link."
--I never said you did. I simply said that I failed to see how it could be cited as A reason (not THE reason; A reason; meaning there could be more) for his flawed foreign policy. These things are much simpler to discuss when you don't take things out of context, agree?
"GWB's credibility is questioned much more because the man is more intrinsically flawed. He's a dilletante. Lack of a passport was one of the least of his problems... but certainly one of them!!"
--Now you're starting to see things my way. Lack of a passport is certainly ONE of the LEAST of his problems. Now, if something is only ONE of the LEAST of something else, that makes it pretty darn insignificant now doesn't it? I'm glad we're getting somewhere. Oh, and it's spelled "dilettante". Please don't misspell words when you're questioning someone else's intelligence.
"Give Clinton his due - Bush inherited a booming economy. As for Bushes problems.. please... he said it himself.. 'I'm a President with war on my mind..'. Nice. What's he going to leave the next president??"
--Again...taken out of context. Of course Bush is a man with war on his mind...our country has been at war for most of his presidency. What would you rather him say? "I'm a President with baseball on my mind!" Then he gets crucified because he isn't focusing on the war.
Anything else?