.. for validating my humble opinions.

I was in Frederick city, Maryland (US) a coupla mouths ago and one evening I was sat in a bar enjoying idle football banter with one Arsenal supporting local. Something pricked the ears of another bar fly (I'm guessing my rather polished, Etonian English accent LMAO) and so this gigantor of a man asks me in his southern drawl if I was from England. I responded in the affirmitive. He then asks if we have a 4th of July in England. A little perplexed but happy to play along, I said yeah sure.. every year. And we have a 5th of July, and a 6th, and 7th... My attempt at mirth was either unfunny, or he didn't get it. Anyway, his next question was.. 'do you celebrate independence day?'

He was both sober and serious.

Having lived around the world a little, I've found that unless they are educated and travelled, Americans can be some of the dumbest most insular people on Earth. Did you know that GWB didn't even have a passport till he became president? The man had never left America!!