Don't you think Bush and gang would be the FIRST to say that the WMD were moved to another country...of course not because they know they were fabricated items to get in and secure a three trillion dollar oil field. I think it's naive to say that Bush was going to war for any other reason. You send the lower ghetto american class to war, so the politicians can secure these massive oil contracts, we all know about Dick Cheney's oil industries. Give me a break Clinton really improved the American economy which is now down in the Mud (we feel the effecs of Bush's lack of economic knowledge everyday in Canada). He was a not weak a president, he just simply didn't detonate bombs routinely to prove he was a "strong" president.

But, to be honest the issue is not America here. It's Israel, and how America will just for some odd reason let them spiral out of control and be the superior war lords over the Middle East.

Btw. Kudos to you for being able to carry on a civilized conversation! Normally any such politcal coversation moves on to petty name-calling and swearing.