QBS us radio is not designed for the arabic speaking people. Having a staion in the various languages is just not a thought. Laugi7 maybe i miss understood you.

The comment on the fact that QBS does not have a web-page is superb, i mean a radio station without a web-page, must be the only one in the world that does not. Again that is down to the people in Bernie and Elias. Too much control over there radio station of the past. I mean they actually think its good? And they are actually being paid for doing what they do.

Lets just boot the entire staff of QBS, revamp a little, provide various channels - English, French, religion etc......

I mean is it really that hard for mangement to see the pathetic excuse of a radio station that they run, reason for not having a web-page = complaints, complaints and more complaints which they could not deal with.

Someone is giving it to someone in that place....