Noble-man ;
ko nie org malaysia kejer sana ker? aper company ko kejer, Gamuda ker? actually aku dpt both offer, tp gamuda kasik lebih sket laar, well lebih mana pun, tak sampai QR3000. Apa salahnya aku buat kejer cacai even aku engineer, dulu time belajar slalu gak aper aku jadik waiter kat hotel, kejer 12 jam tp gaji RM50 jer, dah biasa dah aku idup makan nasik sehari sekali... :) Apa2 hal pun aku dah reject da offer sbb dlm forum nie pun dgn gaji yg aku stated akan dpt, tak ramai yg bleh encourage kan aku, lgpun aku tanya org2 kat sini yg dah ada pengalaman kejer kat middle east sumer tak encourage jugak instead of ada yg gaji lebat, tp working environment ta syok, sbb diorang kata pak arab nie takleh pakai, cakap berbelit, mauahahah betul ker? patut laar nak jadik bos jerr harap natural resources banyak tp suruh org luar buat kejer dlm negeri sendiri. So aku raser better aku stay jerr jadik engineer kat msia nie memajukan negara aku sendiri drp memajukan negara org.
sl ;
thanx for the info, anyway i have rejected the offer already because it seems nobody encourage me, i have search through internet and being discuss with my frenz here, QR10 000 is minimum salary that so called ok and u can grow up without suffering with the qatar live, and another info that i got from construction company in malaysia, nobody doing profit very well if they got project in middle east just because the arabian is not stable in their decision making... that's what i hear, n then it is rule of thumbs, i u work in any country in the world as long as u are contract worker,(not a big boss) u gain less salary compare to local for the same job position. So after i have think deeply, better i stay in Malaysia for the sake helping my country to grow up as well
Noble-man ;
ko nie org malaysia kejer sana ker? aper company ko kejer, Gamuda ker? actually aku dpt both offer, tp gamuda kasik lebih sket laar, well lebih mana pun, tak sampai QR3000. Apa salahnya aku buat kejer cacai even aku engineer, dulu time belajar slalu gak aper aku jadik waiter kat hotel, kejer 12 jam tp gaji RM50 jer, dah biasa dah aku idup makan nasik sehari sekali... :) Apa2 hal pun aku dah reject da offer sbb dlm forum nie pun dgn gaji yg aku stated akan dpt, tak ramai yg bleh encourage kan aku, lgpun aku tanya org2 kat sini yg dah ada pengalaman kejer kat middle east sumer tak encourage jugak instead of ada yg gaji lebat, tp working environment ta syok, sbb diorang kata pak arab nie takleh pakai, cakap berbelit, mauahahah betul ker? patut laar nak jadik bos jerr harap natural resources banyak tp suruh org luar buat kejer dlm negeri sendiri. So aku raser better aku stay jerr jadik engineer kat msia nie memajukan negara aku sendiri drp memajukan negara org.
sl ;
thanx for the info, anyway i have rejected the offer already because it seems nobody encourage me, i have search through internet and being discuss with my frenz here, QR10 000 is minimum salary that so called ok and u can grow up without suffering with the qatar live, and another info that i got from construction company in malaysia, nobody doing profit very well if they got project in middle east just because the arabian is not stable in their decision making... that's what i hear, n then it is rule of thumbs, i u work in any country in the world as long as u are contract worker,(not a big boss) u gain less salary compare to local for the same job position. So after i have think deeply, better i stay in Malaysia for the sake helping my country to grow up as well