There are alot of stores across Qatar for Electronics:
Al Anabi, near Arab Bank Round About or Opposite to Souq Najada, close to souq Waqif.
Bashir Radio, Next to Al Anabi
Radio Shack, In Le Mecure Hotel, ground floor. City Center, 3rd floor and The Mall, ground floor.
There are alot of Electronic stores on Al Kahraba street and the street near Le Mecure Hotel.
Other stores are:
JVC, LG, Panasonic and Samsung on Musherib Street next to Le Mecure.
Ground floor of Le Mecure hotel.
Carrefoure and Lulu.
Pioneer near Le Mecure Hotel (on the road adjacent to the hotel)
All the Malls have different electronic stores.
E-Max in Center Point mall / Al Asmakh mall.
Virgin Mega Store in Villagio.
Modern Home on Salwa Road near Ramada and in City Center.
Jarir Bookstore on Salwa Road near Ramada.
PCOne on Midmac round about, behind Ideal Indian School, Salwa Road.
Office One on Salwa Road.
There are alot of stores across Qatar for Electronics:
Al Anabi, near Arab Bank Round About or Opposite to Souq Najada, close to souq Waqif.
Bashir Radio, Next to Al Anabi
Radio Shack, In Le Mecure Hotel, ground floor. City Center, 3rd floor and The Mall, ground floor.
There are alot of Electronic stores on Al Kahraba street and the street near Le Mecure Hotel.
Other stores are:
JVC, LG, Panasonic and Samsung on Musherib Street next to Le Mecure.
Ground floor of Le Mecure hotel.
Carrefoure and Lulu.
Pioneer near Le Mecure Hotel (on the road adjacent to the hotel)
All the Malls have different electronic stores.
E-Max in Center Point mall / Al Asmakh mall.
Virgin Mega Store in Villagio.
Modern Home on Salwa Road near Ramada and in City Center.
Jarir Bookstore on Salwa Road near Ramada.
PCOne on Midmac round about, behind Ideal Indian School, Salwa Road.
Office One on Salwa Road.