Red Tape was the most annoying thing for me when I arrived. It took so long to do anything from opening a bank account, to installing a telephone line or cable. Getting used to gaining an exit visa - will this ever change?

One other thing was the amount of people that you have to talk to to sort anything - pushed from one person to another with slips of paper, talk about ways to create a jobs for no reason - one person to advise - one to take money - another to stamp papers - the list is endless.

Those crazy drivers - and the more crazy ones who let them drive! Unfortunately if you don't drive like them you get hurt -this really is a big problem and with Qatar having a really high accident rate and death rate on the roads per head of population this will only get worse I think, unless more is done by the authorities.

I have learned to live with all the negatives and enjoy the positives - the sun shines most days in the year, the winters are fantastic - the people are friendly - there is more to do here - new places opening - exciting to see what is being built - belief that Qatar has the makings of a great future, if its not too exploited.