Working times change, my working hours are usually 0800 to 1400hrs and 2000 to 2200 hrs (Sponsor wants his 8 hours per day though the Govt. says otherwise ie 6hrs)
Most eateries / Restaurants close during the day from about 0300 till 1700 or 1730hrs. If you are a regular with a restaurant they can pack you a tiffin and give it through the back door. Do not eat in public during the day.
Expect loads of prank calls on the cell and home phone.
Unless living in a compound expect ghost door bell ringing.

Good to watch the cannon go off at dusk.
Shops open till late.
Food being sent over from muslim friends around 1700 to 1730 hrs.
A special type of pancake made only during Ramadan (I guess) grill food being sold at most eateries.
Time to catch up with paper work in the office.

I shall leave place for others to comment too.