Slut is a harsh word actually. Never was going to be funny, controversial yes, funny no.
I actually think the word's offence is because of it's harsh sound. Rather like our favourite C word.
That said I guess laudgi is a newbie so posting any charater comments is a bit much.
Funny bit of social dynamics there though. See if Mocha or Qcat had written "DG you old slapper" would she have been offended? Probably not.
BTW I am not defending Laudgi nor do I I think you are a slapper DG.
Not that there anything wrong with women who enjoy themselves to put it as euphemistically as possible. I think my criteria is "as long as it is a lower number than me" and I think that is because I am competitive rather than conservative.
Awesome thread.
Slut is a harsh word actually. Never was going to be funny, controversial yes, funny no.
I actually think the word's offence is because of it's harsh sound. Rather like our favourite C word.
That said I guess laudgi is a newbie so posting any charater comments is a bit much.
Funny bit of social dynamics there though. See if Mocha or Qcat had written "DG you old slapper" would she have been offended? Probably not.
BTW I am not defending Laudgi nor do I I think you are a slapper DG.
Not that there anything wrong with women who enjoy themselves to put it as euphemistically as possible. I think my criteria is "as long as it is a lower number than me" and I think that is because I am competitive rather than conservative.