I hope I don't intrude on this conversation but the term "loser" is used loosely. It usually refers to someone who seemingly to you perpetually makes the wrong choices in life or who makes them too late. It also refers to the set of values that you carry with you. If you choose friendship over material wealth, someone who is wealthy but lonely seems a "loser" to you. It is a disparaging remark, but in the meantime can reflect badly on you if used in the wrong company.
I hope I don't intrude on this conversation but the term "loser" is used loosely. It usually refers to someone who seemingly to you perpetually makes the wrong choices in life or who makes them too late. It also refers to the set of values that you carry with you. If you choose friendship over material wealth, someone who is wealthy but lonely seems a "loser" to you. It is a disparaging remark, but in the meantime can reflect badly on you if used in the wrong company.