This might help,
Gold Gym 3500 yearly Gym near jarir (Active or something) 4000 QR yearly Ramada 5500 QR yearly.
Above are for single membership, for guys..Women pay far less for membership.
Ramada is good as they have a pool. Gym is reasonable not very good
Gold Gym is good for pure gym but no add on's like pool.
Active is alright not very impressed with it.
This might help,
Gold Gym 3500 yearly
Gym near jarir (Active or something) 4000 QR yearly
Ramada 5500 QR yearly.
Above are for single membership, for guys..Women pay far less for membership.
Ramada is good as they have a pool. Gym is reasonable not very good
Gold Gym is good for pure gym but no add on's like pool.
Active is alright not very impressed with it.