Sorry i just read your post, and came across 1 of your comments
"Well the clerics aren't calling for all of Australia to come under Sharia law, they are asking the Muslims in Australia come under Sharia law"
Which clerics are you reffering to?
Muslim in Australia are assumed to be 1.5% of the total popoulation. which a very large number of them comes from lebanon, turkey, albania & bosnia.(its no brainer that muslim from that region are the most secular & moderate in the entier islamic world)
The email you've recieved is part of the "emails & sms messges" propaganda circulated on sydney during the controversial december 2005 cronulla riots.
There is an extreme egyptian 'taj hilaly' who claim him self the grand mufti of australia. However, most muslim there don't recognize him so & he was disputed by several islamic leaders.
Sorry i just read your post, and came across 1 of your comments
"Well the clerics aren't calling for all of Australia to come under Sharia law, they are asking the Muslims in Australia come under Sharia law"
Which clerics are you reffering to?
Muslim in Australia are assumed to be 1.5% of the total popoulation. which a very large number of them comes from lebanon, turkey, albania & bosnia.(its no brainer that muslim from that region are the most secular & moderate in the entier islamic world)
The email you've recieved is part of the "emails & sms messges" propaganda circulated on sydney during the controversial december 2005 cronulla riots.
There is an extreme egyptian 'taj hilaly' who claim him self the grand mufti of australia. However, most muslim there don't recognize him so & he was disputed by several islamic leaders.