I do not like the reaction of the Aussi gov. -but I would not like to live under the shariah law either .Shariah is not the same in every country . So which type would be used ? The practice of Islam is different from country to country "the Islam world" is not homogeneous substance .
Whose pratice should be used : wahhabi? hanafi ? shia ? koranist ? etc.
Simply- it can not be solved .
I do not like the reaction of the Aussi gov. -but I would not like to live under the shariah law either .Shariah is not the same in every country . So which type would be used ? The practice of Islam is different from country to country "the Islam world" is not homogeneous substance .
Whose pratice should be used : wahhabi? hanafi ? shia ? koranist ? etc.
Simply- it can not be solved .